Welcome to the hOMe of the Oakland Mills High School Fine Arts Boosters.
Our Mission: To increase educational opportunities for the students and to assist the OMHS Performing Arts (Band, Choir, Dance, Orchestra, Piano & Guitar, and Theatre) teachers and students with fundraising efforts, field trips, parades, publicity, and the backstage aspects of high school productions.
If you are new to OMHS for the 2024-2025 school year, welcome! If you are returning, we look forward to doing even more for the performing arts with your support! It all starts with you - please consider supporting FAB by becoming a Member and a Patron of the Arts by clicking the button below:
FAB holds monthly meetings on the second Monday of the month at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted. Next meeting will be Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00 pm via Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/uih-dvju-qmo Or dial: (US) +1 605-412-8066 PIN: 286 852 089#.
Like our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram @omhsfab for regular updates from FAB!